IT Services - Computer Center
Location : Bottom Floor in the Administration Building (3123)
Saints Center
Open a Support Ticket
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (859) 344-3646
Stop by: Lower level of the administration building (Computer Center). See hours above.
Please visit our Bookings Page to schedule a personalized one-on-one IT Services Help Session.Schedule anIT ServicesHelp Session
Thomas More Email accounts remain active until a student is no longer considered “Current”--which means that they are not registered for Classes. If a student graduates or is not registered, they will have access to their email account for seven months from the last day of their class.
Passwords will expire every 180 days and must be changed.
After your password is reset, be sure to put the new password on ALL devices including phones, tablets, computers, etc.
To reset your password, you must go to the Thomas More Account Management Page.
All new passwords must meet the following complexity requirements:
After 3 invalid login attempts with a user name and incorrect password, the system will lock out the user account preventing access to all Thomas More resources. The account will automatically unlock after 30 minutes. If you continue to have a problem after that please contact the helpdesk at 859-344-3646
All computers will be automatically locked after 25 minutes of inactivity. To regain use of the machine, the user must enter their password. Locking the computer does not close open applications or log the user off, it merely prevents access to your work.